Thank you for downloading/purchasing my product!
All designs, images, graphics, papers and elements included into this zip file
are copyrighted by Courtney Francois aka Magnolia Street Studio (formerly Studio Buttercup) with all rights reserved. By purchasing or downloading a product or design, free or not you are agreeing
to use it for your own PERSONAL USE(S4H/S4O friendly) and are required to follow these terms of use.
You are allowed to:
1. Use all graphics and images and all other downloaded templates
for personal use, but please give proper credit and a link back to the design source if able.
2. Upload to online galleries providing that proper credit is given to Courtney Francois or Magnolia Street Studio
3. alter the graphics in size or color as long as credit is still given.
You are NOT allowed to:
1. Claim my work as your own.
2. Alter the graphics in any way and then claim them as your
3. Redistribute these templates in any way regardless if they were purchased or downloaded as a freebie.
5. Use my templates commercially.
6. Share with your friends/family. Unless you are providing them a work created with my template but passed on in a flattened format.
7. Claim a template design as your own please give proper credit to Magnolia Street Studio or Courtney Francois with a link to my blog where applicable.
8. You may NOT use these images/graphics to spread hate, violence, or discrimination, or any other use prohibited by law.
Courtney Francois/Magnolia Street Studio is not responsible to any person, organization or business
for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of these products.
If you should have any problem with my product please contact me
at francoisphotography@yahoo.com
I would also love hear any feeback you have about my products or to see your work.
Thank you again for your purchase or download.
URL: www.magnoliastreetstudio.blogspot.com
Special thanks to Kevin and Amanda's fonts at http://kevinandamanda.com/fonts/fontsforpeas and to Carly for her awesome shadow styles!